Strings Words Characters | |||
4,664 12,029 72,004 |
All strings | Browse Translate Zen |
4,664 12,029 72,004 |
Translated strings | Browse Translate Zen |
1 4 31 |
Strings with suggestions | Browse Translate Zen |
144 388 2,669 |
Strings with any failing checks | Browse Translate Zen |
2 3 27 |
Failing check: Ellipsis | Browse Translate Zen |
163 424 2,871 |
Failing check: Multiple failing checks | Browse Translate Zen |
1 1 3 |
Failing check: Long untranslated | Browse Translate Zen |
Project website | |
Translation license | proprietary |
Translation process |
Source code repository |
Repository branch | main |
Weblate repository |
File mask | *.json |
Monolingual base language file | en.json |
Translation file |
Last change | Dec. 31, 2024, 8:46 a.m. |
Last author | Anonymous |
12 days ago
String statistics
Strings percent | Hosted strings | Words percent | Hosted words | Characters percent | Hosted characters | |
Total | 4,664 | 12,029 | 72,004 | |||
Translated | 100% | 4,664 | 100% | 12,029 | 100% | 72,004 |
Needs editing | 0% | 0 | 0% | 0 | 0% | 0 |
Read-only | 0% | 0 | 0% | 0 | 0% | 0 |
Failing checks | 3% | 144 | 3% | 388 | 3% | 2,669 |
Strings with suggestions | 1% | 1 | 1% | 4 | 1% | 31 |
Untranslated strings | 0% | 0 | 0% | 0 | 0% | 0 |
Quick numbers
and previous 30 days
Trends of last 30 days
Hosted words
Hosted strings
![]() Suggestion added |
![]() Translation replaced file by upload |
Translation replaced file by upload
9 months ago
![]() String added in the repository |
![]() String added in the repository |
![]() String added in the repository |
![]() String added in the repository |
![]() String added in the repository |
![]() String added in the repository |
![]() String added in the repository |
![]() String added in the repository |
4,664 | File in original format as translated in the repository | JSON file | ||||||||||
4,664 | All strings, converted files enriched with comments; suitable for offline translation | Android String Resource | CSV | JSON | JSON nested structure file | gettext PO | iOS strings | TBX | TMX | XLIFF 1.1 with gettext extensions | XLIFF 1.1 | XLSX |
"Abilities": "Habilidades",
"Ability": "Habilidad",
"Above": "Encima",
"Acceleration": "Aceleración",
"Accept": "Aceptar",
"Access Points": "Puntos de Acceso",
"Accessories": "Accesorios",
"Account": "Cuenta",
"Account Saved Outfits": "Conjuntos Guardados en la Cuenta",
"Accuracy": "Precisión",
"Acquaintances": "Conocidos",
"Acquired": "Adquirido",
"Acrobatics": "Acrobacias",
"Action": "Acción",
"Actions": "Acciones",
"Active Character": "Personaje Activo",
"Activities": "Actividades",
"Activity": "Actividad",
"Add": "Agregar",
"Add Blacklist": "Agregar a la Lista Negra",
"Add By IP Address": "Agregar por Dirección IP",
"Add By Name": "Agregar por Nombre",
"Add By Rockstar ID": "Agregar por ID de Rockstar",
"Add Limitation": "Agregar Limitación",
"Add Note": "Agregar Nota",
"Add R* Logo (Black/White)": "Agregar Logo R* (Negro/Blanco)",
"Add R* Logo (Blue/Gray)": "Agregar Logo R* (Azul/Gris)",
"Add R* Logo (Gold/Black)": "Agregar Logo R* (Dorado/Negro)",
"Add Rockstar Verified Icon": "Agregar Icono Verificado por Rockstar",
"Add Swap": "Agregar Intercambio",
"Add Texture Swap": "Agregar Intercambio de Textura",
"Add To Artificial Acquaintances": "Agregar a Conocidos Artificiales",
"Add To Fake Friends": "Agregar a Amigos Falsos",
"Add To Join Blocking": "Agregar a Bloqueo de Uniones",
"Add To Player Tracking": "Agregar a Seguimiento de Jugadores",
"Add Word": "Agregar Palabra",
"Add new text to an existing translation file": "Agregar texto nuevo a un archivo de traducción existente",
"Additional Compound Loot": "Botín Compuesto Adicional",
"Additional Island Loot": "Botín Adicional de la Isla",
"Advance (+1 Hour)": "Avanzar (+1 Hora)",
"Adversary": "Adversario",
"Advertise": "Anunciar",
"Aerials": "Aéreos",
"Aerodynamic": "Aerodinámico",
"Afrikaans": "Afrikáans",
"After Hours": "Después de Horas",
"Age": "Edad",
"Agency Security": "Seguridad de la Agencia",
"Aggressive": "Agresivo",
"Aggressive Desync Backfire": "Contramedida de Desincronización Agresiva",
"Aggressive Horns": "Bocinas Agresivas",
"Aim Type": "Tipo de Apuntado",
"Aimbot": "Aimbot",
"Aimed At You": "Apuntándote",
"Aiming Required": "Apuntado Requerido",
"Air Defence": "Defensa Aérea",
"Air Filter": "Filtro de Aire",
"Air Guitar": "Guitarra de Aire",
"Air Shagging": "Agitación Aérea",
"Air Vehicles In Air": "Vehículos Aéreos en el Aire",
"Airstrike": "Ataque Aéreo",
"Airstrip": "Pista de Aterrizaje",
"Airstrip Higher 1": "Pista Superior 1",
"Airstrip Higher 2": "Pista Superior 2",
"Airstrip Lower 1": "Pista Inferior 1",
"Airstrip Lower 2": "Pista Inferior 2",
"Airstrip Runway 1": "Pista de Aterrizaje 1",
"Airstrip Runway 2": "Pista de Aterrizaje 2",
"Airstrips & Helipads": "Pistas de Aterrizaje y Helipuertos",
"Alarm": "Alarma",
"Albanian": "Albanés",
"Alien": "Extraterrestre",
"All Bodyguards": "Todos los Guardaespaldas",
"All Objects": "Todos los Objetos",
"All Peds": "Todos los Peatones",
"All Turrets": "Todas las Torres",
"All Vehicles": "Todos los Vehículos",
"All Weapons": "Todas las Armas",
"Allow All Vehicles": "Permitir Todos los Vehículos",
"Allow Joins From": "Permitir Uniones de",
"Allows other Lexis users with the same peer (spoofed) as a player in the session to join": "Permite que otros usuarios de Lexis con el mismo par (falso) que un jugador en la sesión se unan",
"Allows their vehicle to enter into LSC for respray, including blacklisted vehicles": "Permite que su vehículo entre en LSC para repintado, incluyendo vehículos en la lista negra",
"Allows you to reuse the jump ability in air": "Permite reutilizar la habilidad de salto en el aire",
"Allows you to select any of your owned vehicles in a heist": "Permite seleccionar cualquiera de tus vehículos propios en un golpe",
"Alpha": "Alfa",
"Alphabetical": "Alfabético",
"Alternate 1": "Alternativa 1",
"Alternate 2": "Alternativa 2",
"Alternate 3": "Alternativa 3",
"Alternative": "Alternativa",
"Altostratus": "Altostratus",
"Altruist Cult Old Male": "Viejo del Culto Altruista",
"Altruist Cult Young Male": "Joven del Culto Altruista",
"Always Day": "Siempre de Día",
"Always Night": "Siempre de Noche",
"Always get the max amount possible from in-game transactions": "Siempre consigue el máximo posible de las transacciones en el juego",
"Ambient": "Ambiente",
"Ambient Drops": "Caídas Ambientales",
"Ambient Pickups": "Recolectas Ambientales",
"Amharic": "Amárico",
"Ammo": "Munición"
"Ammo Crate": "Caja de munición",
"Ammunation": "Ammunation",
"Angle (Highest)": "Ángulo (Mayor)",
"Angle (Lowest)": "Ángulo (Menor)",
"Angular Damping (X)": "Amortiguación Angular (X)",
"Angular Damping (Y)": "Amortiguación Angular (Y)",
"Angular Damping (Z)": "Amortiguación Angular (Z)",
"Animals": "Animales",
"Animated": "Animado",
"Animation": "Animación",
"Animations": "Animaciones",
"Announce Event": "Anunciar Evento",
"Announcements": "Anuncios",
"Annoying Sounds": "Sonidos Molestos",
"Anti-Aircraft": "Antiaéreo",
"Apartment Complex": "Complejo de Apartamentos",
"Apartment Invite": "Invitación al Apartamento",
"Apartment Teleport": "Teletransporte al Apartamento",
"Apartments": "Apartamentos",
"Apply": "Aplicar",
"Apply Changes": "Aplicar Cambios",
"Apply Force": "Aplicar Fuerza",
"Approach": "Aproximación",
"Aquaplane": "Hidrocóptero",
"Aquaplane Attributes": "Atributos del Hidrocóptero",
"Arabic": "Árabe",
"Arcade": "Arcade",
"Arcade Games": "Juegos Arcade",
"Arcadius - Helipad": "Arcadius - Helipuerto",
"Arch Cover": "Cobertura de Arco",
"Area Name": "Nombre del Área",
"Arena EMP": "Arena EMP",
"Arena EMP Out": "Desactivación de EMP en la Arena",
"Arena War": "Guerra en la Arena",
"Arena Wars": "Guerras en la Arena",
"Arena Wheel Purple": "Rueda de Arena Púrpura",
"Armenian": "Armenio",
"Armenian Boss": "Jefe Armenio",
"Armenian Goon": "Matón Armenio",
"Armenian Goon 2": "Matón Armenio 2",
"Armenian Lieutenant": "Teniente Armenio",
"Armor": "Armadura",
"Armor Disruption": "Disrupción de Armadura",
"Armor Thickness": "Grosor de Armadura",
"Armored Equipment": "Equipo Blindado",
"Armwrestling Matches": "Partidas de Pulsos",
"Armwrestling Wins": "Victorias en Pulsos",
"Arrow": "Flecha",
"Arrow Flat": "Flecha Plana",
"Art": "Arte",
"Artificial Acquaintance": "Conocimiento Artificial",
"Artificial Acquaintances": "Conocimientos Artificiales",
"Assault": "Asalto",
"Assault Rifle": "Rifle de Asalto",
"Assault Shotgun": "Escopeta de Asalto",
"Asset Hash": "Código Hash del Recurso",
"Asset Request": "Solicitud de Recurso",
"Asset share request blocked from %s, check console output for more info": "Petición de recurso bloqueada de %s, revisa la consola para más información",
"Assets": "Recursos",
"Assisted": "Asistido",
"Assisted Aim": "Puntería Asistida",
"Assisted Free Aim": "Puntería Libre Asistida",
"Asteroid": "Asteroide",
"Astronaut": "Astronauta",
"Async Data Broadcast": "Transmisión de Datos Asíncrona",
"Attach": "Adjuntar",
"Attach Ramps": "Adjuntar Rampas",
"Attach To Bone": "Adjuntar a Hueso",
"Attachment": "Adjunto",: player, session)